Managing Vacant Land in Philadelphia

The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society conducted a study of vacant land in Philadelphia with consultants Fairmount Ventures, Inc.  The resulting report explores the legal basis, public policy rational, and financial mechanism of a new approach to vacant properties.  The previous management system of vacant properties is described as “Reactive, Intermittent, and Fragmented” and the PHS presents
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District of Columbia’s Vacant Property Registration + Regulations Guidelines

The District of Columbia’s Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs identifies, registers and classifies vacant buildings in the area.  The DCRA also provides a guide to vacant property regulations to ensure the compliance of D.C. residents:

Brownfields and Land Revitalization Technology Support Center

The Brownfields and Land Revitalization Technology Support Center (BTSC), provided by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. EPA, and the Argonne National Library, helps government officials understand the complexities of investigating and cleaning up contaminated sites.  The BTSC works with decision-makers to streamline site reclamation strategies, evaluate technology options, identify and review potential
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Detroit Vacant Property Campaign

The Detroit Vacant Property Campaign (DVPC) is an initiative of Detroit Local Initiatives Support Corporation and is committed to the revitalization of Detroit.  The DVPC builds a coalition of non-profit organizations, community groups, business leaders, and government officials to more effectively approach the city’s vacant property concerns.  The organization educates homeowners about foreclosures to avoid
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Toolkit to help communities address vacant properties

Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, Business and Professional People for the Public Interest, and Metropolitan Mayors Caucus collaborated to create a toolkit to communities address vacant property.  The toolkit consists of two documents:  How Can Municipalities Confront the Vacant Property Challenge? introduces several strategies local governments can utilize to address vacant building issues, and once
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