In October of 2010, the White House launched the Neighborhood Revitalization initiative, which seeks to be place-based, coordinated, flexible, data- and results-driven, and interdisciplinary. Within each community, the initiative will utilize the area’s networks, social capital, and the experience of local community organizations to enhance and localize the efforts of five different agencies’ place-based programs. These involved agencies include the following: “HUD’s Choice Neighborhoods program, which funds the transformation of distressed public and assisted housing into mixed-income housing; Department of Education’s Promise Neighborhoods program, which funds cradle-to-career education initiatives modeled after Harlem Children’s Zone; Department of Justice’s Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation, which provides funding to foster partnerships between law enforcement agencies and community organizations; and finally, Health and Human Services’ Community Health Centers and which provide free health care to the neediest, as well as their Behavioral Health Services which provide psychiatric and addiction treatment to poor communities.”
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