During the 2015 Reclaiming Vacant Properties (RVP) Conference, Senior Fellow Joe Schilling, hosted two roundtables –Building the Case for Code Enforcement and Strengthening the Case for Greening Legacy Cities. More than 30 researchers and practitioners participated in each session to highlight existing research and brainstorm unanswered questions about the effectiveness of code enforcement and urban greening strategies. MI staff will synthesize the results into two actions agendas that can be widely shared with funders and policymakers. These roundtables also launched two VPRN working groups (urban greening and code enforcement) that MI will facilitate throughout the next year.
VPRN also released its first in a series of research translation and policy briefs—<a href=” https://vacantpropertyresearch.com/translatio-briefs/greening” target=”_blank”>”Greeening Legacy Cities”-</a>at the RVP Conference and the urban greening roundtable hosted at Detroit Future City.