June 28, 2012

Research Translation Service

Research Translation Service

The Vacant Property Research Network (VPRN) is pleased to announce a new “match making” service we’re calling “Research Translation Service” where the VPRN assists practitioners in the framing of research questions and in the review of research protocols.  The VPRN will also where possible, match requests with researchers who have an interest or expertise in that field and who might be interested in working with the practitioners in answering some or all of their research questions.

Requests ought to pertain to one or more of the following guidelines:

  • vacant lots, idle sites or vacant / blighted buildings
  • cities in transition, rust belt, declining or shriking cities
  • the cities in transition categories (legacy, gateway, boom-bust or first suburbs)
  • research requests in related research- proposals, agendas, framing, questions and protocols


As we are developing this page for a progressively seamless process, at this time we ask you to submit requests via our email at [email protected] with the words “Research Translation Service” in the submit line. Please include the following in the email:

  • a description of the research request,
  • any background information,
  • and contact your information.