Re-Imagining Cleveland: Ideas to Action Resource Book

In January 2011, Kent State University’s Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative and Neighborhood Progress Inc. collaborated to develop a new resource for the productive reuse of vacant property. Re-Imagining Cleveland: Ideas to Action Resource Book describes 11 reuse strategies, provides recommendations on how to plan a community reuse project, and gives an overiview of cost estimates for each
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Raze the roof – Cleveland’s tear-it-down approach

A slow process of out-migration, loss of jobs, loss of population and the recent housing crisis has left cleveland with a host vacant homes, approximately 13,000.  Due to rehabilation costs exceeding potential sales prices and a mis-match in productive (land/economic) uses, nearly 80% of these vacant homes make fiscal sense to demolitish. This has left the city and remaining neighborhoods
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City of Cleveland’s Vacant Property Initiative Fund

The City of Cleveland provides loans for the revitalization of abandoned or underutilized land.  Non-profit CDC’s, private businesses and developers are eligible to apply for the aid money, which can be used for environmental site assessments, property acquisition, site clearance and demolition, and new construction.  Links and additional information can be accessed from the site.
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